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The Cloud Automation Tool You Need as a RevOps Pro

If you don’t like wading through painful demos that don’t deliver the goods, you’re going to love this latest episode of “RevOps Demos that Don’t Suck” where Derek Fung, Head of Solutions with Openprise, gets to the meat about how the cloud automation platform helps RevOps teams unify data, activate it, scale it, and push it out.

Just like all our demos, this one doesn’t suck! That said, buckle up and get ready to learn about a powerful data automation tool.

In this demo with Openprise (as with all our demos), we ask the standard list of questions below. Our goal for all partners is to answer what we think encompasses the due diligence of a good RevOps Leader:‍

  • What Is The Product/What does It Do/Why Does It Exist?
  • Why should RevOps people care about this?
  • Why Do People in RevOps Use Your Product? 
  • What’s your Special Sauce? What do you provide that your users can’t get anywhere else? 
  • What tools do you usually integrate with?
  • What does a user look like? Where do they work? 
  • What’s the pricing model and do you charge for implementation? Are external agencies required to implement?
  • What's the average time to complete an implementation?
  • What does ongoing support look like for your clients? Does it cost more?
  • What does success on your platform look like? How long does it take to get there, on average?

Way Beyond Spreadsheets

The ideal customer for Openprise knows that spreadsheets can’t possibly deliver what they need. This is a platform for those who want agility and independent control, even though they are looking for enterprise-level tools.

Derek explains that when leadership wants to change the way data automation is handled in a certain sales period, or they are looking for better attribution or data visibility, Openprise allows the team to manage that request both internally and quickly. The software provides the feel of being a much larger organization, but with the ability to turn like a much smaller one.

Here's the cool thing: it doesn’t matter where the data comes from as Openprises platform is schema agnostic, allowing data to come together in an apples-to-apples format.

The other functions Openprise delivers (it’s no-code, so everything is visual-based) means scaling up is easy without the demands of adding to the tech stack. In the current financial climate, this makes the budgetary ask much easier due to immediate and future benefits. As an example, data cleansing may be needed, but de-duping is already within Openrise, so a second tool isn’t required! It even includes a routing tool.

For most customers, it’s a plug-and-play technology where there is no need to make changes, but adjustments can be made if desired. If you want to create your own script and sequences, you easily can. It can also be as simple or detailed as you want.

Perhaps the best part is that it’s a visual tool so whatever is happening behind the scenes isn’t behind the scenes at all—it’s all visible on the desktop!

Don’t just manage your data. Learn about it, control it, and scale up with it through Openprise.

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